
<== Site Review (2019-11-03) ==>

Sunrise Ambulatory Surgical Center

Sunrise Ambulatory Surgical Center offers a variety of outpatient care procedures including skin grafts, ACL repair, cataract surgery, colonoscopy and other services.

The term "Ambulatory Care" is the new name for outpatient surgery. Just like a regular hospital, the surgery centers provide the bed and resources for advanced surgical procedures.

Individual doctors might work at a variety of hospitals and surgical centers. This type of network promised to offer lower costs.

I am in the process of researching who owns what in the community. It appears that Sunrise was part of a company called AmSurg. AmSurg was acquired by a large company called Envision Health Care. Envision was recently acquired by a private equity firm called Kohlberg, Kravis and Roberts for $9.9 billion.

I love the idea of small outpatient surgery centers. I am not sure how I feel about having everything owned by a New York bank.

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Site NameSunrise Ambulatory Surgical Center
Review History2019-11-03
Category Navajo County: Health
Page Views5270
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